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Harrington Grove Swim and Racquet Club

12201 New Leesville Blvd, Raleigh, NC

Welcome to the Harrington Grove Swim and Racquet Club.

The Harrington Grove Swim & Racquet Club is open to both residents of Harrington Grove and surrounding communities. Memberships are limited.
Enjoy the clubhouse - open for rental bookings.

Splash of Water

Seasonal Swim Memberships are available and include access to courts


Annual Tennis, Pickleball, and Volleyball Memberships are available

Rent the Clubhouse or Pavilion

Clubhouse rentals are available to everyone while Pavilion rentals are reserved for pool members

See what's happening at the Pool

The Social Committee is planning fun activities for adults and kids. 

We even have social gatherings in the off season.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Where can I find the pool hours and social calendar?
    Pool hours and events can be located on the HGSR Club Website
  • What are the Tennis, Pickleball, and Volleyball court hours?
    The tennis, pickleball, and volleyball courts are available from 8am until 10pm.
  • How do I rent the Clubhouse or Pavilion?
    Rentals for the Clubhouse and the Pavilion are done through the HGSR Club App. For more information about rentals go to Rentals . For more information about the HGSR Club App go to App
  • If I rent the clubhouse, can I also access the pool?
    No, the clubhouse is to remain closed to the pool. Pool members can rent the pavilion to allow access to the pool for their group.
  • Who do I contact if I have any other questions that are not answered here?
    Please email
  • What are your different kinds of memberships? What do I get with each?
    We have three memberships. HGSRC Family Membership is full access to pool and tennis/volleyball courts for a family. It runs from May to May. HGSRC Couples/Individual Membership is also known as the ‘Empty Nesters’. This grants a couple full access to the pool and tennis/volleyball courts. It runs from May to May. HGSRC Tennis/Volleyball/Pickleball Membership grants two members of a household only access to the tennis/volleyball/pickleball courts. No access to the pool is allowed. This membership runs for a year from the date it’s obtained.
  • How do I set up my account for the first time?
    For more information on setting up your account, please visit.
  • How do I access the member portal?
    The membership portal is best viewed on a desktop browser here: For more information please go to
  • What if I cannot login to the App?
    If you have trouble accessing the HGSR Club App, first step try Forgot Password. If that doesn’t solve the problem, please email and we can help you troubleshoot the issue.
  • How do I renew my membership?
    You can pay your membership fee either via the HGSR Club app or the web portal.
  • What is the guest policy?
    Guests are always welcome to the pool when accompanied with a member. They pay $10 per person ($15 during events). If you would like a weekend or one-week pass for visiting guests they are $25 per week.
  • Can grandparents take the kids to the pool and how do they gain access?
    Grandparents can accompany a family member to the pool free of charge. They do not require the app or guest pass and can be admitted on the family account.
  • How old does my child have to be to get access to the pool?
    Children must be at least 10 years old to access the pool without a parent or guardian, and to be given access via the app or card
  • What if my child or I don't have a phone?
    If your child does not have a phone and is over the age of 10, we can issue them an entry card. Please email to request the card.
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